About The Authors

The authors of these pieces are freshman high school students from the midwest.

This blog started as a project for authentic audiences in my class.  The premise is pretty simple:

Every so often I give them a writing challenge.  Each of them submit their writing. I select several of my favorites, and post them here.


5 Responses to About The Authors

  1. Amani Resources says:

    Wonderful way to encourage and develop these young talents!

  2. CJ says:

    Wow! And guess what? Tonight I stumbled upon the challenge…which in turn presented a challenge to myself. I’ve adopted A CLASS! My challenge is to respond to each of the stories with a personal note of encouragement. So far, I have read and responded to “Summer,” “Nathan,” and, “Austin.” I hope to do a few each day until I have caught up with the class’ assignments. I see that you have quite a few ‘followers’ and it is my hope that you also get more replies as well. Kids in this age group are especially vulnerable to emotions and are sensitive to what they perceive others may be feeling or thinking about them as people, generally. High school may as well be the planet Mars! Every little bit of positive reinforcement or encouragement helps! I empathize especially with those teens who feel less ‘socially acceptable’ due to life circumstances that (to them) seem to set them apart or make extraordinary issues in their lives. Those life situations happen through NO fault or wrong-doing of their own, but they are made to do the best that they can with it all. So it is always with that premise in mind that I read and respond. I hope and pray for each and every one of them all…that they make good choices, dare to dream, and reach their goals.
    No doubt, they’re definitely on the path to something great, just by having a teacher that cares as much as you do!

  3. overextended says:

    Thank you so much for taking a vested interest in my students and their writing. They are living in a generation and a world where their voices are easily dismissed. Through this blog, I am trying to help them see there are many people in this world who value their thoughts, feelings, success and fears. I also hope they see, by default, that people value their thoughtful and pensive writing. I am so proud of their honesty, their effort, and their willingness to take a leap as writers. No great writing comes without introspection and risk. I am trying to get them to see that, and embrace both. Those two elements will help them in so many areas of their lives outside of writing.

  4. I am delighted to see this blog. I have been teaching writing skills to teenagers and adults for many,many years, and it is always a pleasure to encourage them to clarify their thoughts and express them in coherent,creative essays. Thank you for doing this. Young people need to be heard.

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